Thursday, December 11, 2008

Blago, oh-no.

First let's state the obvious.

Blagojevich is comedically arrogant, unequivocally idiotic, and entirely corrupt. The allegations against him are astounding. The transcripts of his conversations are F-bomb-ladenly hilarious and unbelievable. And his hair is straight out of the 80s.

"Nothing but sunshine hanging over me....whatever I say is always lawful" Well-chosen words one day before being arrested?

Dig the Maddow Show fake-Chicago accent reenactment of the Blagojevich tapes. Oh, snap! Even Patty got in on it!

I think my new favorite line is "I got this thing, and it's F*@&% golden," referring to Obama's vacant Senate seat which he basically put up for sale. Classy. Had I known Senate seats were for sale, I would have included it on my Christmas list to Santa.

As expected, all eyes now turn to Obama. What did he know? When did he know? Did he know? What's his tie to all this corruption? After all, he IS from the "Chicago Machine." I'm sure, if they have been taping all of Blago's phone calls, that if any communication took place between Obama or his staff and Blagojevich regarding the Senate seat, it will come out. I just hope beyond hope that Obama was being 100% truthful when he said "I had no contact with the governor or his office and so we were not, I was not aware of what was happening." I? We? Which one is it? Whichever one it is, it better be true.

Axelrod said he talked to him. Obama said he didn't. Now Axelrod is rescinding the comment. But wouldn't it be entirely plausible and legal for someone from the Obama camp to communicate at some point with the Blagojevich office regarding future appointment to the seat that Obama has vacated, just for general conversation, sans the attempts to get paid for it? Wouldn't it then be strange for him to say there was absolutely no communication between the two offices? I don't know.

But some sort of communication between someone must have taken place for Blago to call Obama a "Mother F*&%er" for not being willing to give him anything more than his "appreciation" for whoever he was to appoint to the Senate seat. The question is, where do you draw the line between direct ties on behalf of Obama, and a possible conversation by one of his staff members with Blagojevich, unbeknownst to Obama? I would really just hate to see this taint Obama before he even gets sworn in. Talk about terrible timing. Yet another "guilty by association" scandal for people to run with. Ayres who?

Any communication that did take place, I hope it reinforces the current notion that Obama remained clear of this scandal and corruption. At least the Obama camp has that going for it right now, they seem pretty clean. I hope it stays that way!

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