Thursday, December 11, 2008

Pat Boone on Prop 8

Hate is Hate, according to Pat Boone.

Yes, Pat Boone. The washed-up country singer turned right-wing commentator. I think he and Chuck Norris, whom I've written about before, should get together and make babies. All this anti-gay rhetoric has got to lead to some major latent homosexuality between those two. Sounds like a classic case of deflecting the issues that you don't feel confident about in yourself. I mean look at this photo of him, he'd fit right in to the scene!

Of course if they got together, they might be disappointed to find out how difficult it is to adopt children as a gay couple though. Ah, but I digress.

Let me pull up a few of my favorite quotes from Mr. Boone:

To them, there is only one acceptable worldview – a theology they intend to enforce on all humankind

--The irony in this quote is just astounding.

...was saddened to hear that the estimable Brad Pitt, who has done a lot for the displaced people in New Orleans, pledged $100,000 to his friend Ellen DeGeneris for some campaign to overturn Prop 8, saying something about constitutionally guaranteed "equal rights." I'd like to know – on just what constitutional writ does Brad base this statement?

--So Brad Pitt (above all others apparently?) is a bad man now for supporting equal rights for his friends and for every citizen of CA and this country? And as for Constitutional writ... does the Declaration of Independence ring a bell? As in "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal..."?

Every homosexual citizen has the same, identical rights as any other American

--Really?? Really??? Please, Pat! Come live one day in a gay person's shoes! Please! Try to adopt children, visit your ill partner in the hospital, or apply for health benefits through your partner's employer! TRY! I think my head might explode.

Slavery was abolished, blacks and women obtained the rights to vote, and these true rights were not obtained by threats and violent demonstrations and civil disruption (though these things did occur, of course), but by due process, congressional deliberations and appropriate ratification.

--What he forgets to mention is that the thirteenth, fifteenth, and nineteenth amendments provided rights obtained by the legislative process, representative government. Not by popular vote, as was Prop 8. Big difference! Oye. Throwing the civil rights of the oppressed minority to the wolves of the majority oppressor for a popular vote... is NOT the same thing.

And last, but certainly not least, the most unconscionable quote of all:

What troubles me so deeply, and should trouble all thinking Americans, is that there is a real, unbroken line between the jihadist savagery in Mumbai and the hedonistic, irresponsible, blindly selfish goals and tactics of our homegrown sexual jihadists. Hate is hate, no matter where it erupts. And by its very nature, if it's not held in check, it will escalate into acts vile, violent and destructive.

Yes, Pat. Hate is Hate. And you have done a fine job of exemplifying yours, by drawing a comparative connect-the-dot from the terrorists in Mumbai to the LGBT and gay-supportive community who demonstrate and protest for equal rights and protection under the law. A clear comparasion. For a wing-nut.

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